Are you ready? What it takes to succeed...
Check your readiness:
Do you have strategy execution plan in place?
Strategic execution plan varies according to your maturity level. If you have high strategic planning culture in your company, most likely you will have strategy maps with details of corporate goals and initiatives which is mostly derived from a detailed analysis and strategy formulation methodologies. Then you are mostly ready in this area. If you have some goals derived from your need to achieve them without any formulation of strategy, you are still ready in this area to put your goals to action.
Is your strategy divided into objectives and goals?
In this checklist we are making sure that big goals have been divided enough to be handled by your organizations team members so we guarantee successful goals execution. So make sure that goals and initiatives have the SMARTER goal setting check list reviewed.
Are these objectives distributed on different Departments and employees?
Here we can help you assign goals & KPIs to different team members to make sure you have all goals in place divided and cascaded to different levels and reflecting on the department and corporate goals.We train you to use our implementation template to assign KPIs to members.
If yes, then you can be up and running in a matter of few weeks
If you have all of the above ready, we can get you up and running. This time will include implementation and data upload as well as training.
Please check if you could successfully fill this sheet, you can go LIVE soon.
Implementation Methodology
IF you have a strategy formulated and you need execution, then you place the derived objectives from the strategy maps. Then you create relevant KPIs to meet those objectives. An extra step would be to place each objective under the relevant perspective of the Balanced Scorecard.
Prepare all employees in the organization with their positions (who reports to who)
Prepare Organizations objectives, such as growing ABC by 15%, saving 15% on XYZ,….
Create relevant KPIs to the objectives. Create further KPIs to measure what you do in your organization, and how well you do it.
Place the KPIs under the suitable team member
Train your team, and feed your data. Congratulations! You have created your performance management environment.